- I have been thinking about my topic quite a bit, in what ways do exercise and health interestingly interact with college? Some terms that really stand out to be are "exercise", "physical activity", "health", "healthy habits", "motivation", "college atmosphere", "behavior", "participation" and "diet". A lot of the material online explores the motivations to why there is a decrease in exercise and health in college. I am interested in what colleges can do to change that or maybe what would incline students to exercise more.
Some scholarly articles:
- https://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=8&sid=8bd35a34-ed64-4044-bf3f-212f1cf0c294%40sdc-v-sessmgr01&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=126169925&db=aph
- I saw this article as interesting because it puts exercise behaviors against drinking behaviors which is very intriguing to me. This brought light to some of the other avenues students may turn to instead of physical exercise.
- https://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=10&sid=8bd35a34-ed64-4044-bf3f-212f1cf0c294%40sdc-v-sessmgr01&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=132696398&db=aph
- I was really drawn to this article as it highlights the "psychological needs" and "exercise motivation" for exercise. However, this may not directly correlate to American students as it only mentions among Chinese college students. It does give insight into student life which is just as important no matter the country.
Overall I am looking for a very interesting angle that can be researched in a way thats exciting to me. I draw a lot of passion for this topic as I pursue a career in the medical field, hopefully this research can help me in the future!
and Dietary Patterns During Freshman and Sophomore Years of College, Journal of American
College Health, 53:6, 245-251, DOI:
and Dietary Patterns During Freshman and Sophomore Years of College, Journal of American
College Health, 53:6, 245-251, DOI: